Thursday, 20 February 2014

Going it alone.....

Ok so today guys.... I actually did it! I handed in my notice!!! I am a bit in shock to be honest that I actually had the confidence to do it! I've put it off for months!!

I must really believe in myself ey?
It needed to happen I'm so dedicated to nails I eat breathe sleep dream nails at the moment and who was it who said never give up on something you think about every day?

I really need to work for myself as well im excited about it all to be honest, I know it won't be easy but in determind to make it work! I have goals for this year and next which include getting grandmaster status, doing more training with the brilliant crystal nails (more about that later) taking on more clients full time, London fashion week next year and maybe competing next year too if my confidence is up there enough!!!

I leave work in 5 weeks, the professional beauty show is in three days so I intend to fully stock myself then ready to take clients ASAP. Still looking for a decent salon space but if I don't find one I will continue to work from my humble abode!!

Anyone ekse been here before? Taken the plunge and gone it alone??? 

It's a Frightening yet exciting thought!